
Startup Planning: Why Revisiting Your Plan is Critical for Business Growth Startup Planning: Why Revisiting Your Plan is Critical for Business Growth

As I reflected on my business journey, at every stage of my business development I was always planning for the future. At the earlier stages of my business the goals were to get clients and sales. I spent the first few years really learning and understanding the target client that I was looking for and understanding my competition. Once I...

Jon Brown


🍎🔒 Enhancing Cybersecurity on macOS: Empowering Users for a Safer Digital Journey! 🍎🔒 Enhancing Cybersecurity on macOS: Empowering Users for a Safer Digital Journey!

Did you know that Apple is committed to keeping your macOS experience secure? 🚀✨ With their advanced technology and user-centric approach, they’re taking cybersecurity to the next level! 💻🔐 🔒✅ macOS is designed with built-in security features that help protect you from cyber threats. But Apple doesn’t stop there! They’re raising the bar by introducing an awareness feature that recommends...

Jon Brown


Overcoming the Fear of Starting a Business: Tips for Low Budget Entrepreneurs Overcoming the Fear of Starting a Business: Tips for Low Budget Entrepreneurs

In 2023 I am resolving to reflect more on the past and provide insights into my business journey and life experiences. I am challenging myself to post one video a week for the entirety of 2023 with reflections on the founding of my company Grove Technologies, an MSP that I started and took from inception to sale. I invite you...

Jon Brown


Shout Out to MacAdmins! Shout Out to MacAdmins!

So how many is your team now, Jon? We are a team of three full-time, me and two others, and we have one part-time person. And then we’ve got about 4 1099 contractors that help us out as needed. Joe and I and over the years have talked about the hiring process and how frustrating it can be and I,...

Jon Brown

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