A byproduct of any business is acquiring customers and making money. If you’re not making money, some may argue that what you have isn’t actually a business. It’s a hobby. However, in my personal experience, whenever I shifted it away from thinking about the customer and the customer experience, the harder it was for me to get clients.
When your goal is making money. Customers can sense that and they can sense when they are not the object of your passion, they will gravitate towards companies where customers and customer service are the priority. In reality, what I have learned is that making money is a positive byproduct of doing good work and working on building a culture of transparency, trust, and honesty.
When you do this, you are creating a symbiotic relationship between your clients and yourself that will lead to unlimited corporate success and growth. Businesses require customers, and customers require businesses that work to serve them. When that is in perfect balance and harmony, money, success and revenue will be a natural byproduct.
When done right, client retention, customer loyalty, client referrals, and positive client interactions and amazing customer service will all naturally fall into place. Remember, the customer or client are paying you for the service that you provide, but they stay for the relationship that you were able to form and the experience they have when they interact with you and your company.
Business is just as much about the psychological experience as it is equal parts business strategy and tactics. Don’t overthink business strategy and tactics. Focus on the customer and everything else will naturally fall into place. Trust the process and enjoy the journey.